MSOG, Inc.
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Exploring ChatGPTs Created for Genealogy
Saturday, February 22
Exploring ChatGPTs Created for Genealogy
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Attend in person or virtually via Zoom
Presented by Thomas MacEntee
Many genealogists are familiar with ChatGPT - the leading artificial intelligence platform for business and personal use. What most don’t know is that specialized ChatGPTs have been created to help expand your genealogy experience. Learn how to find these special tools and how they work.
Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community.
Georgetown Peabody Library
2 Maple St,
Georgetown MA

This program is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Those who wish to attend virtually, can pre-register atMVFEB2025

What It TakesTo Volunteer For A Chapter Board
Saturday, March 22
What It TakesTo Volunteer For A Chapter Board
10:00 am
2 Maple ST , Georgetown Peabody Library Georgetown, MA
HYBRID. Come join in person or on Zoom. 
Those who wish to attend virtually, can pre-register at MVMAR2025
We are pleased to present a discussion on what it involves from our persepectives on being a volunteer for the board positions on the Merrimack Valley Chapter. We also will be reviewing our MSOG website and some of the features you may not be aware of.
We hope you will join us, Carol, Bonnie and Nancy.
Georgetown Peabody Library
2 Maple St,
Georgetown MA

This program is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Trial of Susan B. Anthony: Voting Rights for Women
Saturday, May 3
Trial of Susan B. Anthony: Voting Rights for Women
TBD - Littleton area
Joint Meeting of the Merrimack Valley and Worcester Chapters
Judge Dennis Curran presents:
Trial of Susan B. Anthony: Voting Rights for Women
Time and Location details coming soon
In 1873, Susan B. Anthony was indicted by a grand jury for "knowingly, wrongfully, and unlawfully voting ... the said Susan B. Anthony being then and there a person of the female sex." Her trial, in which Anthony was convicted of breaking the law by casting a vote in a Presidential election, became one of the most famous trials of the nineteenth century.
Far from defeating the fledgling movement for women's suffrage, the trial brought more publicity to the issue, largely due to Anthony's clever stratagem of publishing the trial proceedings, and then shrewdly using it for a public relations campaign to rally women to the cause. 
About Judge Curran:
The Honorable Dennis J. Curran, retired Massachusetts Superior Court Justice, has taught law at Tufts University, Roger Williams University of School of Law, and Brown University.