MSOG, Inc.
PO Box 215
Ashland, MA 01721-0215

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February 25, 2024 By: Carol Katsulis
Social Media Coordinator Subcommittee
Hi Merrimack Valley Chapter Members.
I am sending some important news to you all to notify you that a Social Media Coordinator Subcommittee is being formed by our President Terry Dugan.
If you are interested in being on this committee and need further information about this, please notify him as soon as possible. He is looking for representation from all the chapters.  Enter the following in the subject line when you email him.. "Social Media Coordinator Subcommittee" HIs email is
Merrimack Valley Chapter 
Carol Katsulis, President
"Education, Collaboration and Preserve"

February 17, 2024 By: Carol Katsulis
A word from your President
A cold wintery day and I was thinking of all of you....
We are still looking for a Vice-President and Secretary for our Chapter. It's a volunteer position! Really a minimal time from your schedule to come on board and be a part of our MV Chapter Board. We are here if you are thinking of perhaps wanting to be involved, just contact me or the other ladies, Bonnie or Nancy to get more information.  Yes, We are the team. Think about getting involved!
February through June our meetings are all scheduled. Please continue to check the website for dates and meeting plans. I think you will find something for all of you to enjoy either in person at the Georgetown Library or on Zoom (we will continue hybrid meetings) until the end of the season in June.  
For members only please consider joining in on our DNA-SIG Meetings. We have one this month Feb 28th at 7Pm. The information for you to sign on the night of, is under the events, click first box drop down select DNA-SiG.  It's a relaxed and interesting hour segment for asking quesitons, or just learning more about DNA and how it can help you with your research. This upcoming month Bonnie Croteau has prepared something wonderufl for us to listen and learn.
I also want to take a moment and say Welcome to the newest members who have joined our Chapter.
i am also welcoming new ideas and suggestions of speakers for the next season starting in September for our chapter. Please don't hesitiate to let me know what you would like to learn or a speaker you have heard and want to share them as a referral. 
All MSOG Chapter meetings are open for you to enjoy each Weekend. Just pre-register for them.
Do you like our Facebook page, our Pasttimes, and MASSOG Newsletter, and or our Website? Let me know what you like and don't like. I will pass on the ideas to the MSOG Board. 
Thanks for reading.  Till next time.
Your President,
Carol Katsulis