MSOG, Inc.
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DNA Success
Thursday, February 13
DNA Success  (Webinar)
7:00 pm
This talk will cover some basics but include finding a genetic network and how to use subnetworks (like Enhanced Shared Matches from Pro Tool) to figure out your matches.  Did you get a DNA kit recently?  Kelli can answer all your questions and more.
Kelli Bergheimer is a writer, teacher, editor, and international genealogical speaker. Kelli holds a Bachelor’s in Biology, a Master’s in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, and a Master’s in Business Management. Kelli is the Director of Curriculum and Assessments for Blue Kayak, a K-12 textbook company. She also works as the Director of Education for Your DNA Guide. Kelli runs a small business—Mess on the Desk, a genealogical organization company with a YouTube channel. Kelli is the facilitator for Genetics, Genealogy, and You, an online DNA Interest Group. Kelli is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and the Genealogical Speaker's Guild.
You must be logged in as a Member to participate in the event. Log-in at Go to "Event Registration" to register for the webinar.

9th Annual Ancestors Day
Saturday, February 15
9th Annual Ancestors Day  (Bristol)
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Attend in Person or Virtually via Zoom
Presented by Bristol Chapter Members
Every year, several members from the “Bristol Chapter” volunteer to share interesting stories and research anecdotes about their family. Members will enlighten attendees with their triumphs, journeys, family stories and roadblocks in their quest to find their ancestors.
In an entertaining way, you will learn fascinating facts about our members and their families. Not all the research will result in a happy ending but nevertheless everyone will leave enlightened and energized to solve a family lore. Regardless of what you learn, the day will prove to be fun and educational.
1464 County Street
Somerset, MA 02726
Business Meeting   11:00-11:30 am
Member Sharing     11:30-11:55 am
Presentation Begins at Noon. 
This program is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
For more information contact:
Schedule of Events Available at:
Those who wish to attend virtually, can pre-register at

Exploring ChatGPTs Created for Genealogy
Saturday, February 22
Exploring ChatGPTs Created for Genealogy  (Merrimack Valley)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Attend in person or virtually via Zoom
Presented by Thomas MacEntee
Many genealogists are familiar with ChatGPT - the leading artificial intelligence platform for business and personal use. What most don’t know is that specialized ChatGPTs have been created to help expand your genealogy experience. Learn how to find these special tools and how they work.
Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community.
Georgetown Peabody Library
2 Maple St,
Georgetown MA

This program is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Those who wish to attend virtually, can pre-register atMVFEB2025

Doing Genealogy Without Breaking the Bank
Saturday, March 1
Doing Genealogy Without Breaking the Bank  (Worcester)
9:30 am to 11:30 am
Hybrid: Gale Free Library and virtual
Sara Campbell presents:
Doing Genealogy Without Breaking the Bank
The number of genealogy websites, organizations, and publications can be daunting. This session explores techniques to save money on subscriptions and genealogy education. Learn how to find free resources, how to take advantage of trial memberships, and how to target your genealogy dollars. The most valuable genealogical sources are the ones that contain information about your family. Learn how to find them. This session covers the pros and cons of the top sites for searching genealogical databases, as well as in-person research. 
About Sara Campbell:
Led by genealogist Sara Campbell. Lecturer, educator, author and editor, Sara has experience teaching non-credit courses in various genealogical topics at local colleges, and speaking to societies and library groups around the New England region. She has presented at the New England Regional Genealogical Consortium's conferences since 2017.
  9:00 AM EST    Library opens
  9:30 AM EST    Socializing
  9:45 AM EST    Business meeting
10:00 AM EST    Presentation
This presentation will be in person and Virtual via Zoom.  Pre-registration is required if you are attending virtually at:
The in-person location is:
Gale Free Library
23 Highland St
Holden, MA
Second floor program room, accessible via stairs and elevator

American Bloods: The Untamed Dynasty That Shaped a Nation by John Kaag
Tuesday, March 4
American Bloods: The Untamed Dynasty That Shaped a Nation by John Kaag  (Book Club)
7:00 pm
The Bloods were one of America’s first and most expansive pioneer families. They explored and laid claim to the frontiers—geographic, political, intellectual, and spiritual—that would become the very core of the United States. John Kaag’s American Bloods is the account of a remarkable American family, of its participation in the making of a nation, and of how its members embodied the elusive ideals enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Inspired by the discovery of a mysterious manuscript in an old Massachusetts farmhouse, Kaag follows eight members of this family from the British Civil Wars in the seventeenth century through the founding of the colonies, the American Revolution, transcendentalism, the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, and the rise of first-wave feminism, all the way to the beginning of the twentieth century.
The Bloods were active participants in virtually every pivotal moment in American history, coming into contact with everyone from Emerson and Thoreau to John Brown, Frederick Douglass, Victoria Woodhull, and William James. The genealogy of the family tracks the ebb and flow of what Thoreau called “wildness,” an original untamed spirit that would recede in the making of America but would never be extinguished entirely. American Bloods is an enduring reminder of the risks and rewards that were taken in laying claim to the lands that would become the United States, and a composite portrait of America like no other. (Amazon Review)
You must be logged in as a Member to participate in the event. Log-in at Go to "Event Registration" to register for the book club.
Upcoming Book Club Readings:
April 1, 2025 - Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley
May 6, 2025 - The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrows
June 3, 2025 - King Philip's War: The History and Legacy of America's Forgotten Conflict by Eric B. Schultz and Michael J. Tougias

Mild-Mannered Businessman or Secret Service Agent? - Investigating a Family Legend
Saturday, March 8
Mild-Mannered Businessman or Secret Service Agent? - Investigating a Family Legend  (Middlesex)
10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Middlesex Chapter Meeting
Presented by Erica Voolich
Investigating a family legend of a possible Secret Service Agent led to fascinating unexpected stories and documents.  The asking of questions and the resulting follow-up can be applied to otherssearches behind the fantastical stories your own families might have told.  We will look at leads that would be useful to the  descendants of not only the secret service agent, but also to those of the criminal or even the landlady involved.
Erica Dakin Voolich, PLCGS, is an author, blogger and teacher who has transitioned from using her problem solving skills in the mathematics classroom to solving family history problems.  Erica has written articles in Crossroads (Winter 2015) and TIARA Journal (Winter 2013) and published seven family history books.  She currently serves as the secretary of the Massachusetts Genealogical Council and formerly served as the secretary of the Middlesex Chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists (MSOG).  She was an award winning math teacher and now is the founder and president of the Somerville Mathematics Fund.
Erica has run numerous weaving and mathematics workshops in local, regional, national and international conferences in past decades. Currently she is focusing on genealogy.

This program is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

This meeting will be online via Zoom.

Those who wish to attend virtually, can pre-register atMXMAR2025