Vol. 24 No. 1 Spring 2000
Letter from the Editor 1
M.S.O.G. 1999 Financial Statement 2
M.S.O.G. State Officers and Editorial Board Members 4
Letter from the State President 5
Oliver Newhall of Pepperell, Massachusetts 6
Savill Simpson, Cordwaiiner of Boston and Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and Some of His Descendants in the Allied Families of Eyre, Lawson and Jones (continued) 12
Ahnentafel of Thatcher James Anderson - A Living Descendant of Savill Simpson 23
Hints for Your Family History Research 24
Finding the Family of John Smith, Tailor, of Hopkiinton, Massachusetts 26
Queries 36
M.S.O.G. Guidelines for Research Requests 37
Free Genealogical Lectures at Massachusetts State Archives back cover
Vol. 24 No. 2 Summer 2000
Letter from the State President 39
Hints for Your Family History Research 40
Savill Simpson, Cordwaiiner of Boston and Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and Some of His Descendants in the Allied Families of Eyre, Lawson and Jones (continued) 42
Timothy and Millicent (Perry) Blodgett, from Lexington to Deerfield, Massachusetts 55
Finding the Family of John Smith, Tailor, of Hopkinton, Massachusetts (continued) 61
From a Faded Forgotten Photograph to a Flourishing Family Tree: Finding the Family of Thomas Perry Kelley 71
The Search for Sally Rugg 74
Queries 81
1790 U.S. Census of Massachusetts Project: Sketch of John Gibson of Hopkinton 82
M.S.O.G. State Officers and Editorial Board Members 82
M.S.O.G. Guidelines for Research Requests 83
Morning Genealogical Lectures Given at NEHGS back cover
Vol. 24 No 3-4 Winter 2000
Letter from the State President 85
M.S.O.G. State Officers and Editorial Board Members 86
Finding the Family of John Smith, Tailor, of Hopkinton, Massachusetts (continued) 87
Hints for Your Family History Research 99
Savill Simpson, Cordwaiiner of Boston and Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and Some of His Descendants in the Allied Families of Eyre, Lawson and Jones (continued) 101
Massachusetts Genealogical Council's Annual Seminar Announced 111
Index to MASSOG, Volume 24 (2000 113
M.S.O.G. Guidelines for Research Requests 125
Letter from the Editor back cover